WPCF members re-elect president

The World Print & Communication Forum (WPCF) concluded its highly anticipated board meeting, which took place during the PackPrint International & CorruTec ASIA 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand. The meeting provided an ideal platform for industry representatives to come together and share their expertise. Kamal Chopra was re-elected as President of the WPCF during the board meeting. This marks his second mandate of three years as President, highlighting the trust and confidence that worldwide association executives have in his leadership.
WPCF members gathered in person for the first time since their meeting in Mumbai in 2020 to discuss challenges facing the global print and packaging industry, exchange valuable insights, and strengthen collaborative efforts among printing associations worldwide. The board meeting featured deliberations on enhancing the competitiveness of the printing and packaging industry on a global scale. Strategies to improve efficiency, innovation, and market adaptability were at the forefront of these discussions.
Sustainability emerged as one of the central themes during the meeting & the joint conference of WPCF with the Thai Printing Association. Members explored strategies to promote eco-friendly practices within the printing and packaging sector, emphasizing the importance of sustainable materials, processes, and waste reduction.

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