A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

Konica Minolta to debut AccurioJet 60000


Brand owners who order printed materials are becoming increasingly individualized and short-cycled in their marketing methods. Prioritising automation and maximising throughput, Konica Minolta is set to launch the AccurioJet 60000 High Speed UV Inkjet Press at drupa 2024.

A marvel of engineering, it sets new standards in quality and usability, with a speed of printing up to 6000 sph in simplex and 3000 sph in duplex. Additionally, intricate designs and vibrant colours fly off the press at breakneck speed with the AccurioJet 60000. The innovative HS-UV ink delivers true colours, with the option to be automated, replicating the gloss and vibrancy of offset printing in a single pass.

Alongside the star attraction, Konica Minolta will showcase AlphaJET, signaling a future powered by automation where Artificial intelligence takes the wheel. An integrated printing and finishing line developed in collaboration with MGI Digital Technology, AlphaJET streamlines the entire packaging printing process, from initial printing to embellishments like spot varnish and foil stamping, all in one automated system. This significantly reduces turnaround times, minimizes waste, and creates a cleaner work environment.

Konica Minolta understands the challenges printers face beyond the press itself. Automated colour management and inspection tools like the IQ-501, which leverages Konica Minolta’s proprietary sensing technology to ensure consistent quality and reduce labour costs. Additionally, FORXAI, a unique imaging IoT platform, that visualizes the operational status of printers, robots, and automated paper delivery systems helps to minimize downtime and improve safety within printing facilities.

Looking ahead, Konica Minolta plans to leverage its Inkjet printing technology for industrial applications beyond traditional printing on paper and cardboard. These printing innovations are in line with Industry 5.0 principles to unveil a future where sustainability is second to none.


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