A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

drupa Print Horizons Report: Print Industry in transition to a digital world


The Print Horizons Report, published in March, is a brief guide to the most important topics that printers and suppliers need to research when preparing for drupa.

The 2023 Trends survey asked a range of questions on technology opportunities and priorities. From the replies, the authors of the study draw up six key topics, which were at the top of the Market participants’ priority lists for further research and investment: The changing dynamics of analogue and digital production; Workflow and Automation; Print Embellishment and Finishing;. Web-to Print; Digital Packaging and Labels and Sustainability and ESG.

The majority of printers will continue to use conventional print in tandem with digital production. If implemented effectively, the two processes should complement, not compete. Digital print should be seen as a core production method.

While sheetfed toner technology still dominates the volume end of this market, inkjet in its various guises is where most supplier effort is focussed. Past simple conversations about the economic breakeven point between conventional and digital print have been overtaken by more sophisticated dialogues about how digital print can change a market and optimize production efficiency.

Print companies need to understand that investment in digital printing needs to go hand-in-hand with the digitalisation of other business processes.

Artificial Intelligence will of course also play a role. Increasingly actions taken to increase sustainability are also good for the bottom line and are also demanded by customers, so it is a no-brainer to tackle the task with enthusiasm


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