A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

Creating picture perfect colour results!


Asahi Photoproducts, a pioneer in flexographic photopolymer plate development, is partnering with specialists in fixed palette colour printing to showcase a plethora of technology advances at a customer open house. To be held in Brussels on September 28, the day before LabelExpo, the event will focus on the enhanced quality and cost apart from time saving benefits that fixed palette colour printing offers.

“This is a event dedicated for printers to demonstrate the sharp, vibrant and high quality results that are possible,” says David Galton, sales director for Asahi Photoproducts, “The print quality achieved by combining our plate technology with fixed colour palette printing techniques brings outstanding shelf appeal to packaging. Print consistency is crucial to brands’ ability to drive sales volumes by increasing visibility, reinforcing identity and ensuring volume turnover.”

He adds, “Improved ink management also positively impacts production time and costs.”

Akihiro Kato, Asahi Photoproducts managing director and Dieter Niederstadt, technical marketing manager will welcome attendees before they enjoy the specially-designed, packed agenda.

Aside from a detailed review of Asahi Photoproducts’ Fixed Colour Palette with AWP, a number of partners will present technological advances being made in their sectors and how they could enhance production and profitability for Asahi Photoproducts’ print shop customers. These include Esko and Apex Anilox highlighting the benefits of Equinox and Anilox, respectively, for fixed colour palette printing while Xeikon will focus on the benefits of laser technology. Other presentations will be from Lohmann Tape and Arets Inks.

A plate demo and company tour will complete the day’s line-up of informative presentations and activities.

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