A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

Book on offset blankets and rollers introduced


-written by CS Misra and published by Anupam Prakashan, Allahabad

At present, the field of printing technology has become vast. Various developments are being done in prepress, printing and all the equipments used. Application of computers have made the technology very easy and of best quality. The blanket and rollers are very important part of any printing machine. Generally, the carelessness regarding the blankets and rollers in any printing machine spoils the time and the quality of printing becomes poor. With the result, the cost of production becomes high and the margins of profit reduce. Focusing on these printing issues a new book on offset blankets and rollers has been introduced by Anupam Prakashan, Allahabad.

“Written by CS Misra, a well known author of printing technology books, both in English and Hindi languages, this book is a 20th publication, which will serve as milestone in the field of printing. Both blanket and rollers play important role in the quality of printing. The role of blanket is to pick-up inked image from the plate and it’s transfer over the paper or other surface in accurate size, shape and quality. Similarly, rollers are important because the fine grinding and transfer of ink from the ink duct to the printing surface is equally important for quality printing,” says BN Mathur, retd principal, NRIPT, Allahabad who has written a foreword of the book. He further says the book will impart complete knowledge and valuable information about their manufacturing, various kinds, uses, maintenance, etc not only to the student but also to the industry.

“The book has been written only with the thought, that the operators of the offset press, should have proper knowledge about the blankets and rollers. They should also know about its proper setting, use and maintenance. The contents of the book also enhance the knowledge of students of the printing institutes,” says CS Misra, the author of the book.

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