A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications



Eastman Kodak Company has announced its strategic decisions related to its enterprise inkjet and silver metal mesh touch sensor businesses, following in-depth m a n a g e m e n t reviews of these business operations and discussions with customers, partners and other industry participants.

Kodak is in talks with prospective buyers about offers to purchase its Kodak PROSPER enterprise inkjet business, with its highly acclaimed PROSPER Press platform, PROSPER S Series imprinting systems and related products.

Given that functional 3D printing, including touch screen sensors, is an important element of Kodak’s portfolio, Kodak will continue to develop leading-edge technology in this segment. After advancing both silver and copper metal mesh technologies, Kodak has decided to focus on copper. Kodak will exit its position in silver metal mesh development, but will continue to make silver halide film available to touch screen sensor manufacturers.

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