A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

Konica Minolta’s AccurioPro offers endless operational benefits


With Print service providers (PSP) aggressively engaged in upgrading as well as adding new services and applications to cater to the next generation demands of customers, Workflow automation has become pivotal for seamless and streamlined business operations.

Furthermore printing businesses are also looking for more scalable solutions to meet the varied demands of customers with limited resources. Citing the prevailing scenario in the printing segment, Konica Minolta, the global leader in MFPs and industrial printing solutions has unveiled AccurioPro software platform, offering end to end production automation and integrating the best features of in house and cloud-based software.

The solution is specifically tailored to be modular (pay only for the components needed), flexible (integrates with other common graphic arts software), scalable (supports small-to-large operations), and comprehensive (features beyond prepress to incorporate colour management and finishing).

Workflow automation also helps businesses in better structuring their operations resulting in enhanced outputs and revenue generation.

The solution comprises of three key pillars: JDF interoperability for seamless compatibility with existing commercial workflows like Agfa Apogee, Kodak Prinergy, and Screen Equios; AccurioPro Conductor for centralised and intelligent output management; and AccurioPro Cloud Eye for remote management and administration of colour quality and standards.

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