A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

‘Kodak NexPress press helps prevent digital colour press obsolescence’


Kodak’s strategy with the NexPress platform is to eliminate obsolescence risk. As a result, its systems are both scalable and upgradeable, conveyed J Zarwan Partners-founder John Zarwan in a new White Paper commissioned by Kodak. “The idea is a simple one. Buy only what you need or can afford today and add additional features and capabilities later, without having to install a new machine,” he explained further. J Zarwan Partners is an independent consultancy that specializes in business development, market strategy, and product planning and positioning.

The White Paper explores the clear benefits of digital press upgradability and includes research conducted by Zarwan about the NexPress digital press platform and competitive digital presses. Zarwan found that Kodak’s upgradability strategy was compelling when compared to competitors. Also included in the White Paper are endorsements from NexPress press customers. “The NexPress digital press we have today is the same one we started with five years ago,” said Theo Pettaras, founder of Digitalpress. “We have the ability to have the machine upgraded in the field, allowing us to have new inks and faster speeds. It also has the intelligent calibration system.” Updating existing systems, rather than buying new ones, is a benefit for many customers. “With Kodak you do not need to buy new equipment every couple of years. You can just add new technology to existing equipment, which is very cost effective for a small company like ours,” said Wayne, owner/partner, Indie Printing.

In closing, Zarwan observed, “Not all businesses are alike, and many factors enter into the decision to acquire any capital equipment. The selection of an appropriate digital press is particularly challenging, as technology changes rapidly, new features and functions are constantly being introduced, and the danger of being behind the curve soon after making a major purchase can put a printer at a competitive disadvantage. In today’s environment, it is particularly important to choose a press that can not only grow with your business but accommodate new features, functions, and capabilities as they are introduced. Most suppliers will provide attractive trade-in allowances to businesses that purchase new equipment. It is clearly preferable to be able to upgrade your existing equipment to bring it completely up to date.”

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