A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

WBMPA felicitates IPAMA president


-assures about the full support to PRINTPACK INDIA 2013

West Bengal Master Printers’ Association (WBMPA) held a function to welcome KS Khurana, president, Indian Printing Packaging & Allied Machinery Manufacturers’ Association (IPAMA). Addressing the members, KS Khurana, informed the gathering about PRINTPACK INDIA 2013, slated from February 23-28, 2013 at India Expo Centre, Greater Noida, NCR Delhi. He highlighted various facilities being arranged for visitors during the upcoming expo, such as arrangements for commuting upto India Expo Centre, the venue of the exhibition and hotel accommodation etc, for a comfortable stay.

Extending warm welcome to all the prospective visitors, KS Khurana requested WBMPA to mobilize as many visitors as possible. Responding to invitation Ranjan Kuthari, immediate past president of AIFMP, Shyamal Ch. Basu, vice-president, WBMPA and team assured their full co-operation and support to the exhibition.

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