A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

OPA organizes North Zone Printers’ Meet


On the occasion of 25th years of inception of Offset Printers Association (OPA) ‘North Zone Printers’ Meet’ was organised by OPA in Ludhiana to educate the printers to form association for better and effective networking. Printers from more than 41 cities were present during the occasion and discussed their problems and achievements. Vijay Kumar Chopra, CMD, Punjab Kesari Group and president North India Printers Association (NIPA) was the chief guest and BS Nagi, asstt director (SME) Ministry of MSME, Government of India, was the key speaker, while dignitries present at the occasion included: KS Khurana, president IPAMA and Parveen Aggarwal with others. During the meet the official calendar of 2013 published by OPA was also released jointly by Vijay Kumar Chopra and KS Khurana. To mark the beginning of Silver Jubilee Year of OPA a special ‘Silver Jubilee Collar Pin’ was also released.

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