A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

Quantum leap in control, operator and drive technology


Retrofits increase a printing system’s availability and keep its automation up to date. A retrofit optimizes system performance, combined with higher product quality and fewer production standstills. On this line, manroland web systems develops integrated solutions for retrofits on older printing presses to reduce press downtimes and associated costs while boosting the performance of the printing system. One of their customers Aller Trykk in Norway recently received the latest drive and control console technology on their LITHOMAN. As the OMEGA DC drive system was getting on a bit, it was replaced with the latest SIEMENS drive technology. The customer benefits from increased support and stability through better diagnostic capabilities and improved synchronous run of the drive system. Web tension issues have become a thing of the past. State-of-the-art server technology from manroland web systems has been used for the control console system. The customer thus obtained the most up-to-date hardware, similar to a new printing press. In addition to the substantial improvement in press availability, the new PECOM functionalities also enhance operating comfort.

The quantum leap can also be felt when operating the control console. Support provided by the TSC team from manroland web systems is now being used even more effectively. “Training for our staff was very professional and efficient. All documentation was updated and returned promptly. Once again, we have a LITHOMAN that will continue to deliver its usual high level of performance and excellent print quality, now and in the future,” summarizes Kolbjoern J Vogt.

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