Significance of selecting right printing blanket in today’s sustainability needs


“Trelleborg welcomes new international standard to reduce print industry’s carbon footprint,” conveys Paolo Gagliardi, commercial director EMEA / APAC at Trelleborg’s printing solutions business.

Trelleborg has welcomed the introduction of the new ISO 16759:2013 standard for the quantification and communication of the carbon footprint of processes, materials and technologies required to produce print media products.

Designed by The International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 130, Working Group 11 (ISO TC130 WG11) to provide a clear and consistent reference for carbon calculator development, the new ISO 16759:2013 promises to help printers quantify, communicate and report the carbon footprint of their print activities, providing a framework against which print media products can be measured and the results certified.

Paolo Gagliardi commented, “Sustainability is an increasingly important concern across the industry – with printers more aware than ever of their impact on the environment, and rightly so. Whilst investments are made in the latest sustainable presses, it’s important that printers don’t overlook the carbon footprint of their consumables too.

“Printing blnkets are undoubtedly a vital component in the print process and impact everything from print quality to carbon footprint, wastage and efficiency. However, the benefits of specifying the right printing blankets for the application is often overlooked. While the energy savings gained through the use of the correct printing blankets are the primary benefit, the impact of paper wastage and plant downtime due to poor specification are also significant sources of loss.

“It’s not always appreciated that the considerable effort that goes into the development of different blankets for specific types of print processes give energy savings and minimal downtime production as a direct result. The right blanket can also mean the difference between a good return on investment, or working at a loss.”

Printers need to be aware that the optimum selection of materials and equipment from an environmental viewpoint can not only reduce carbon and greenhouse gases, but can also have the added benefit of bringing down lifecycle costs too.

For more information on any of the Trelleborg printing blanket range, visit:

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