A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

Konica Minolta – MGI Digital Graphic Technology enter into strategic alliance


To drive future growth and to establish a stronger presence in the professional digital printing market, Konica Minolta and MGI Digital Graphic Technology (MGI) have reached an agreement whereby Konica Minolta will acquire a 10 percent stake in MGI, valued at Euro 13.7m, through a reserved capital increase. Building on a strong relationship that has lasted over a decade, the two business partners have agreed to expand their collaboration by entering into a strategic alliance that leverages both co-development and co-marketing of existing and future products.

As part of this alliance, MGI will maintain its independence and will remain autonomous in defining its strategic axes in the midst of a rapidly evolving industry landscape.

Edmond Abergel, CEO and chairman of MGI, noted, “We are very happy and proud that Konica Minolta recognizes our accomplishments and our unique capacity to innovate. This strategic alliance will be the basis for the development of tomorrow’s innovative digital solutions for the Graphic Art industry and printed electronic 3D.”

Konica Minolta will promote the “genre-top strategy” (a strategy to concentrate the management resources on the most promising business areas and markets to ensure global leadership in these growing markets, especially in the field of production printing systems.

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