A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

Chennai: an update


New team for Printing Technologists Forum: The Annual General Meeting of The Printing Technologists Forum, Chennai, was recently held, where the general secretary M Venkatesan submitted the annual report for the financial year ending March 2014. Besides, the members unanimously elected the executive committee team for the year 2014-16. P Chellappan of PM Digital Products is the president, while Rm. Senthilnathan of Dot Line Data and Dr B Kumar, professor, Printing Department, College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University are the vice presidents. M Venkatesan, associate director, Scientific Publishing Services is the hony. general secretary, KB Shanmugasundaram, associate director, Scientific Publishing Services is the hony. joint secretary and RK Sridharan, The Hindu is the hony. treasurer.

Printing expo in Chennai: Buysell Interactions Private Limited conducted an Exhibition at the Chennai Trade Centre (CTC) from July 25-27, 2014. It was a conglomeration of Printech Today, Sign Today, Photo Today and Cinema Today. The crowd pullers included Kollywood corner, Sticker outlets and photo cameras.

Inkjet printing technologies: Ink Jet printing is catching up. Offset machine manufacturers too realize the benefits of inkjet printing. Basically a digital affair, it would now complement offset. In this backdrop, a seminar on All About Ink Jet Technologies was organised for the Printing Technologists Forum members on August 8 at Anna University. Though a rainy evening, the audience assembled on time to experience the ‘raining’ details of inkjet by Judhajit Dutta, manager, Digital Printing Solutions, Kodak India Pvt Ltd.

Digital applications for inkjet are useful in large and grand format, standard format and small format as well. The product mix ranges from labels, barcode, to office/home to posters, displays, bill boards, textile and engineering drawings. New applications for inkjet materials disposition include solar cells, litho 2D & 3D. light emission & absorbing devices, inkjet system designs, the components for inkjet printing were discussed with interactive users, offset printers, professors and students.

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