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Emballage 2010 to focus on intelligent packaging


T he 39th international trade show of packaging ‘Emballage 2010’, to be held at the Paris Nord-Villepinte Exhibition Centre (France) from November 22-25, will present a complete showcase to packaging professionals.

With 1,250 exhibitors from 47 countries and 85,000 expected visitors, this year Emballage will cover three pavilions having reserved dedicated areas for: the ‘Pack Innovation’ where almost 100 innovations will be presented; the ‘Pack Vision’ where professionals from around the world will meet and swap ideas, focusing on design, market innovations, initiative in user sectors; and the ‘Pack Designers’ highlighting the marketing, technical and economic roles of packaging design.

The ‘Emballage in Green’ area will be dedicated to environmental issues. The global packaging industry is driven by sustainable development. With a market of 88 billion dollars in 2009, the sector of environment-friendly packaging may reach worth 170 billion dollars in 2014.

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