A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

New inkjet envelope printing system from Neryos


Neryos offered a new colour inkjet envelope printing system – PrintNod 400, designed to be installed at the output of any kind of inserters to print on envelopes the logos, images, marketing messages, addresses and postal information. The customer can use standard white envelopes with many benefits: postal cost saving by merging several jobs in a bigger batch, decreasing the envelopes storage, increasing the throughput by deleting the setup time between jobs, and the envelope becomes a nice marketing support and increase the mailing interest.

Its highlighted features include: high print quality providing by 600 x 600 dpi, four variable drop sizes and integrated raster image processor; automatic and dynamic management of different envelopes thickness, up to 8 mm between two consecutives envelopes; easy to setup and operate by the using of a unique controller and a touch screen; and auto-cleaning and auto-capping of the printhead. “Facing the internet hegemony, the mailing industry has to be innovative to keep letters as the premium communication media. The Printnod 400 fully answers to the customers expectations by increasing the image of the mail and by cutting the postage and production costs,” said Dominique Martin, Neryos CEO.

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