Massive savings with unique low-chemistry offering


Fujifilm sets new plate production standards with enhanced ‘ZAC’ processors

Fujifilm raises the bar to set new standards in chemistry consumption and maintenance with its multi-award winning FLH-Z ‘ZAC’ range of processors. Compared to typical processors and finishing units, the ‘ZAC’ processors, part of Fujifilm’s low-chemistry family of solutions,  now offer printers unrivalled savings by giving them the ability to develop around 8,000 sq m of plates with just one replenisher bath.  With this improvement, printers can now achieve the industry’s lowest chemistry consumption figures with a ‘ZAC’ system: using around 10,000 sq m of plates over a 1-3 month period, chemistry consumption can be reduced to around 216 litres, a reduction of up to eighty percent (depending upon existing system used).

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