A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

Ricoh 750 installed at a new shop


At a newly started print unit ‘FINGERPRINT’, Ricoh 750 press was recently inaugurated by Nobuaki Majima, managing director, Ricoh Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, Singapore, in presence of Ben BW Chong, general manager, strategic marketing division and Avijit Mukerjee from Ricoh India.

This press took us back to the letterpress age when passersby ordered small jobs. It has come full circle only difference being this time it was digital and jobs done instantaneously. FINGERPRINT has been using the new press for different applications like visiting cards, circulars, leaflets, small posters, certificates, etc, producing hundreds of sheets very fast, making M Basheer and N Mohamad Aliyar pleased with the outcome. J Iqbal, their elder brother running a successful business with the name ‘Graphic Park’ in Triplicane helped the owners to start a new digital print at a new premise situated at a strategic point on 100 feet road in Koyambedu. With Rs 60 lakh investment in Ricoh alongwith four PCs and a small size second hand programme cuting machine did the trick. T Nagesh, business development manager, production printing, Ricoh India Chennai Branch also helped the owners in getting started with new plans.

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