Screen Printers’ Association of India becomes full member of FESPA
At the FESPA General Assembly held recently, SPAI-Screen Printers’ Association of India was voted as a full member of FESPA. SPAI was the first associate member of FESPA, nominated so in 2004. Ever since, SPAI and FESPA have closely worked together and conducted three FESPA India exhibitions from 2005 to 2009 and one FESPA DIGITAL India in 2009. With the support of FESPA, SPAI has conducted sixteen Cross Country Table Top Exhibitions across the country during last year. SPAI & FESPA will now work more closely to bring in activities such as e-learning, populating all their Indian members on the FESPA-Google Map and many more other activities, to keep the screen & wide format (digital) printers & manufacturers/dealers engaged, for the promotion and growth of the industry as a whole.
Commenting on the development, Huned Rangwala, president-SPAI beamingly conveyed, “In the last 37 years, SPAI has put in efforts to promote awareness of Screen Printing in India. The association with FESPA since 2004 has helped SPAI, in these efforts to further the exposure and knowledge of the Indian Printing Industry in this continent. In the last 4-5 years, the activities have increased, taking the momentum that SPAI & FESPA need, to take things to larger heights. The decision of FESPA board members and the national members at this juncture, to elect SPAI as FESPA’s full member, has naturally, brought in more zeal in SPAI, in taking up higher responsibilities, to achieve FESPA’s slogan ‘United We Print’.”