A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

Educating printers!


Heidelberg India conducts a free workshop cum seminar in Kochi

In today’s competitive world, where profit margins are wafer thin and production costs sky-rocketing, Heidelberg India has been conducting various seminars throughout India on the latest trends, techniques and special applications in printing. The company recently took the initiative to educate the printers in and around Kochi on how to use their machines to their optimum capacity with minimum down times, under the theme ‘Press maintenance & productivity enhancement’. The purpose of this workshop was to help printers get the most out of their equipment in order to reach the highest productivity levels. In a separate session on postpress, Dieter Veigel from Heidelberg took the printers through insights that reinforced the importance of optimum postpress for higher productivity.

“Kochi has been a very important and strategic market for us. The market has grown in the past few years at a fast pace especially with the emerging industries. Packaging has also begun to create demand for print. Printers in Kochi are getting more and more conscious about the quality printing and we have many printers like Anaswara Offset, Varna Printers, Maya Printers, Five-Star Offset, Sujilee Printers and Koppara Enterprises pioneering the adoption of brand new state-of-the-art equipments from Heidelberg. With this workshop, we are updating and educating the printers on churning higher productivity with minimal wastage,” conveyed Venkataraman, who handles the Kochi market for Heidelberg India.

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