A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

New team at Devbhoomi Printers & Publishers Association


Established around 10 years back, Devbhoomi Printers & Publishers Association, Uttarakhand has unanimously elected Ranu Bist Oberoi as the President for another term of 2 years during the general body meeting held in August 2023. Earlier, Adesh Gupta as the founder president, followed by Anil Mittal and Amit Garg.

The team for next term of two years includes, Ranu Bisht Oberoi, President; Anil Bhatt Vice President; Sanjay Verma, Secretary and Ajeet Singh, Treasurer.

Ranu said that all the members of the association believed that print businesspersons need to make collective efforts to deal with the challenges of this sector along with the individual struggle.

Sanjay Verma from Alpine Industry who is elected as the Secretary, once again, presented the report of activities of the association for the last two years while Ajeet Singh from S S Print and Traders, who is elected as the Treasurer for the next term also, presented the accounts for the period. The past presidents were felicitated along with the Paper Traders who have supported the Vibrant Pint 2022 event.

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