A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

Kamal Chopra represented India in WPCF meeting at Portugal


National printing associations from around the globe met in Porto to discuss Print Matters for the Future. The meeting was organised by the World Print and Communication Forum (WPCF) and Intergraf for participants to focus on the future of the industry, latest technological developments, studies and the economic situation in various markets worldwide. On the behalf of All India Federation of Master Printers (AIFMP), Kamal Chopra, chairman international relations participated the meeting.

The World Print & Communication Forum (WPCF) is an association created by the world’s major transnational and regional printing associations. The objectives of the WPCF are to form a single global exchange platform for the printing and communication industry between the different players and to stage conferences to analyse market trends and business opportunities. The main theme of the conference was ‘Print Matters for the Future’, with 50 participants from 23 different countries enjoying a varied programme.

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