A Bi Monthly Magazine on Printed and Digital Communications

AGPC organises workshop


To update the knowledge of the staff members about the latest technological advancements in printing technology, the Department of Printing Technology, Arasan Ganesan Polytechnic College (AGPC), Sivakasi recently organised a workshop on ‘latest trends in printing technology.’ Apart from 12 members from AGPC, SMPA Sivakasi Institute of Printing Technology (2 members) also participated in the two-day programme. Presided over by M Nandakumar, vice principal, AGPC, the workshop was inaugurated by JCI SR Arun, president, JCI Sivakasi. On the occasion, delivering a lecture on ‘digital prepress technology, M Sudhanithie, MD, Kavi Graphics elaborated the technology behind CtP and the types of plates and their processing with more practical aspects. MS Manivannan, MD, Vindhini Vysage, Sivakasi talked about ‘plate chemistry and pressroom chemicals.’ During the programme, an industrial visit to Sripathi Paper & Board Mills, Sukkiravarpatti was also arranged for the staff members. They also visited Dhurga Industries, Ramji Polypack, Bell Printers and Papco Offset Printers, Sivakasi.

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